Page 20 - Miami Vol 8 No 1
P. 20

 e culture of our law  rm is family oriented.”
In Service to Our Community
AALM: What was the greatest lesson you learned in law school? Lopez: It was  nals week 1987 – my last semester at the University of Miami School of Law – when my car got sto- len with all my books inside it. Initially, I was devastated, but I knew that dwelling and making excuses would not lead me on the path of success.  erefore, I shi ed my thoughts to what I knew I could control – my perfor- mance. I knew I was prepared because I had done the work. Now, I just had to execute. I responsibly in- formed Dean White of the incident, considering her a mentor throughout my law school career. I then took my exams as scheduled, passed, and went on to graduate cum laude.  e experience taught me that being prepared is the  rst step to success. Perseverance is the second and showing
up is the third.
AALM: Tell us a funny story that has happened
to you in your career.
Lopez: I have always been a technology savy
person – testing the latest emerging technologies and  guring out the best ways in which they could optimize my time. I brought in a computer on my  rst day at Mershon Sawyer When the managing partner made his rounds and saw my machine that morning, he leaned in and said: “Son, those things are for secretaries.” At that time, the practice of law relied exclusively on pen and paper. However, I understood technology could maximize e cien- cy and increase productivity ... adding immense value to a profession characterized by long days
and nights. I knew technology was the future. AALM: How would you describe the culture
of the  rm?
Lopez:  e cul- ture of our law  rm is family oriented. My wife, Marile Lo- pez, is the CFO. Our oldest son, AR Lo- pez, has been work-

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