Page 16 - Palm Beach Vol 6 No 4
P. 16

Hurricane Survivor... Life After the Storm
IBy Laurie Dubow
n South Florida, we hold our breathes
throughout each hurricane season. Dur- ing the past few years, we have watched as storms have wreaked havoc in many
other areas of the country and we have been grateful each time that we dodged a bullet.  is August, I was glued to the television watching the epic destruction caused by hurricane Harvey, and it was hard to imagine our community bearing the brunt of that much devastation. As I was just about to  nish up this article, Irma turned our world upside down, and I am watching my home town in a whirlwind of frenetic energy and fear. As if back in time
to the days of Wilma, Jeannie and Francis, we are in the middle of the “cone of uncer- tainty,” making plans based upon the lim- ited information we have and our ability to predict the future.
I moved to Boca Raton in 1992, just three days before Hurricane Andrew. I learned a lot that week ... about hurricanes, about life in Florida, and about the need to be pre- pared with a plan – before, during, and a er the storm. We share a unique bond as “Hurricane Survivors,” as we prepare for these dangerous storms and their a er- math.
In a way we are lucky, because unlike other natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes take time to develop and they give us warning about their impending as- sault.  is o ers the unique ability to plan, prepare, and protect ourselves, our homes, and our loved ones to the best of our abili- ties. In fact, experts suggest that it makes sense to prepare months before the storm warning is anywhere on the radar. We are urged to make a plan and review the plan with family and experts, and  nally to stay alert and keep up to date on all weather up- dates and warnings.  ere is also a to-do list for during and a er the storm once it has come and gone.
 ere are many similarities between pre- paring for a hurricane and preparing for the process of buying or selling a house. Similar to hurricanes, a real estate trans- action takes time to develop, and if there is not proper planning, trouble may be on the horizon. In addition, planning and pre- paring can make all the di erence between disaster and a more positive outcome.  e strategy is to hope for the best, but plan for the worst.
Having guided clients through thou- sands of real estate moves, I understand that there are many moving parts to each transaction. Coordination and focus are the key to insuring the best chance for a positive result. However, even the best
plan can go awry, just as one slight turn in the trajectory of the hurricane can create a completely di erent outcome.
As with most major decisions, it is im- portant to consult with experts to help an- alyze available information and options.  ere are many professionals available to guide through the twists and turns of a real estate transaction, such as a mortgage broker, inspector, appraiser, real estate attorney, CPA,  nancial adviser and of course, a Realtor.  ey can help determine housing expenses that will be a ordable, closing costs, tax consequences, and so many other aspects of the situation. Just as with a hurricane evacuation, there must be a plan for pets, special needs and an ef- fort to make a new home a ordable, com- fortable and secure.
We are looking for answers – a way to create peace of mind, even as the mov- ing target in our world continues to shift. When we make decisions about real es- tate, we may not have control over the global changes that occur in Wall Street, Washington, D.C., or around the world, any more then we have control over a hurricane swirling around in the Atlantic Ocean making its way toward the coast. Fortunately, there are always options, and it is more important than ever to help our clients explore what opportuni- ties might be out there for them. Help- ing our clients to weather the storm, they discover that they are better prepared for whatever Mother Nature brings their way.
As I wrap up this article, I have put up my hurricane shutters, secured my home andIamasreadyasIamgoingtobe.I have no idea what Irma will bring my way, butsoonitwillbeoutofmyhands.Toall of my fellow “Hurricane Survivors,” let’s hope that we all head into clear skies and cool breezes, as we move through the rest of this hurricane season and the rest of 2017.
A true real estate concierge, Laurie Dubow has an extensive background in counseling with a master’s degree in psychotherapy and a postmaster’s degree in business admin- istration. A licensed real estate broker and mortgage broker, Laurie was the founder and owner of Paradise Realty International LLC, and she is now the broker for Signa- ture Paradise Realty International LLC and co-broker of Signature Commercial Group. She is a certi ed luxury home marketing specialist, and a trained certi ed distressed property expert. This training included in- struction on how to perform a broker price opinion or letter of opinion of value, which she has utilized in her experience testifying in court as an expert witness. For more in- formation, visit or call (561) 929-3329.
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