Page 12 - Miami Vol 6 No 2
P. 12

2017 Miami Superstar
Michael Haggard
Seeing the Forest
Compassionate, empathetic and a fervent advocate for victims of crime, Michael Haggard has dedicated his career to the pur- suit of justice on behalf of his clients in the courtroom secur- ing unprecedented awards and as an activist who continuously
lobbies for permanent solutions and change through local, statewide and federal legislation.
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Haggard has established himself as a power­ ful force in the South Florida legal community as the managing partner for  e Haggard Law Firm. A er spending time as a public defender and working with a small personal injury  rm, he joined  e Haggard Law Firm. Haggard was named a partner in 2001, secure in the belief that every case holds equal importance and could mean the opportunity to award a family resolution a er a devastating incident.
He soon captured national headlines as the onlyplainti ’spersonalinjuryattorneytose­ cure three separate $100 million verdicts on behalf of individual clients.
Ultimately, Haggard hopes to give victims the tools and resources to help rebuild their lives. By convincing a judge or jury to hold those responsible accountable he gives vic­ tims and their families a sense of justice and comfort that another family won’t have to go through this same tragedy. Devoted to his cli­ ents, Haggard has received numerous awards for his time and dedication earning him rec­ ognition as one of the most highly regarded personal injury attorneys in the country.
Professional achievements aside, Haggard is also  ercely dedicated to myriad worthy causes. Believing that as an attorney he has an obligation to give back to the commu­ nity. Outside the o ce, Haggard is not only a philanthropist but also a dedicated father. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Bekki, coaching his son’s football team and attend­ ing his daughter’s cross country meets.
AALM: When did you  rst know you want­ ed to become an attorney? What drew you to this career?
Haggard: I grew up with my dad who was a great trial lawyer. My dad would tell me stories about his law practice and the fami­ lies that he helped out. I would see that  rst hand by going to his o ce and attending tri­ als when I was really young. I knew then that I wanted to help people and families in need. It all became clear when I was in college. I was involved in a lot of organizations and leader­ ship positions where I would give speeches. It was then that I realized that I could in uence groups of people and persuade groups of peo­ ple through my public speaking. It was when I was in college that I realized that I wanted to be a trial lawyer.
AALM: Who are some of your legal heroes? How do you seek to emulate them?
Haggard: First and foremost my father, Andy Haggard, is my greatest legal hero. I’ve

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