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Rule 9.210 has been amended to provide that an attorney representing more than one party in an appeal may  le only one initial or answer brief (and one reply brief if authorized) that includes arguments as to all of the parties the attorney represents in the appeal. A single party responding to multiple briefs, or a sin- gle party represented by multiple attorneys, is similarly limited to one initial or answer brief (and one reply brief if authorized).
Rule 9.330 was amended to broaden the grounds upon which a party may seek a writ- ten opinion following the issuance of a per curiam a rmance (PCA). Such request must state that the party believes that a written opinion would provide: (1) a legitimate ba- sis for Florida Supreme Court review; (2) an explanation for an apparent deviation from prior precedent; or (3) guidance to the parties or lower tribunal when (a) the same issue is also present in other cases pending before the court or another district court, (b) the issue is expected to recur in future cases, (c) there are con icting decisions from lower tribunals, (d) the issue is one of  rst impression, or (e) the issue arises in a case where the court has exclusive subject matter jurisdiction.
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Rule 9.330, which governs motions for re- hearing, clari cation, certi cation, or a writ- ten opinion, now states that all motions under the rule must be combined in a single docu- ment; and the rule applies only to orders or decisions that adjudicate, resolve, or other- wise dispose of an appeal, original proceed- ing, or motion for appellate attorneys’ fees (but appellate courts still have inherent au- thority to reconsider non nal appellate orders and decisions).
Rule 9.420(c) was amended to authorize parties to serve the initial document in an ap- peal electronically pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.516(b) but petitions invoking the original jurisdiction of the court under rule 9.030(a)(3), (b)(3), or (c)(3) must still be served both by e-mail and U.S. Mail.
In Case No. SC17-999 ( 999), the Florida Supreme Court amended the uniform citation system in rule 9.800. Among other changes, the rule now allows for a ci- tation to Westlaw or Lexis along with a slip opinion cite when a new case is not available in Florida Law Weekly.
“Rule 9.210 has been amended to provide that an attorney representing more than one party in an appeal may file only one initial
or answer brief.”
was proud to be featured in Attorney at Law magazine's 2018 Women in Law issue (Miami Edition). Deirdre is the Secretary of the Board of Directors of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation ("NAAF"), and serves as an Advocate, Legislative Liaison and Support Group Leader.
Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and body. It affects as many 6.8 million people in the U.S.
NAAF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports research to find a cure or acceptable treatment for Alopecia Areata, supports those with the disease, and educates the public about it. Founded in 1981, NAAF is widely regarded as the largest, most influential, and most representative foundation associated with Alopecia Areata.
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